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ABAPKO Funded Project!

In this work, a machine learning algorithm is created from radiomics features with the intent of classifying and segmenting NPC tumor from computer tomography (CT) images. CT images of 73 patients from Acıbadem Maslak Hospital were obtained to be preprocessed and prepared before tumor classification and segmentation. The performance of the model was evaluated by comparing the results with those identified by radiation oncologists.

TUSEB-A Funded Project!

Today, our project named "Formation of TTR Gene Targeted Nanoparticles Investigating the Effect of Them on Transthyretin Protein Production and Cell Viability Alongside Observation of Their Cell Localization Utilizing Confocal Microscope" was accepted and funded by Türkiye Sağlık Enstitüleri Başkanlığı (TÜSEB) thanks to the efforts of Beste Dipçin, Assoc. Prof. Bükem Tanören and Assistant Prof. Özgül Gök Özatay.

TUSEB-B Funded Project!

This project focuses on producing doped, sustainable carbon quantum dots derived from coffee and tea wastes, as well as silver indium sulfate quantum dots, to evaluate their effectiveness as antimicrobial agents against both regular bacterial strains and multidrug-resistant bacteria (ESKAPE pathogens), in addition to standard and drug-resistant fungi. Furthermore, molecular dynamic (MD) simulations of the microorganism membranes and their interactions with the quantum dots will be performed to elucidate the antimicrobial mechanisms.

ABAPKO Funded Project!

The project named "Carbon Quantum Dot Synthesis With Hot Bubble Synthesis (HBBBS) Method and Its Characterization" was funded by Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University's General Projects Support Program thanks to the efforts of Beste Dipçin, Bora Güvendiren, Assoc. Prof. Bükem Tanören, Assoc. Prof. Kadriye Kızılbey.

XXVII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics, Extracellular Vesicles: from Biophysical to Translational Challenges Best Contribution Award

Our dearest laboratory member Beste Dipçin was awarded with the Best Contribution Award at XXVII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics' Extracellular Vesicles: from Biophysical to Translational Challenges event by EVIta-Italian society for Extracellular vesicles

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