Our team uses the following facilities provided by Acibadem University and Bogazici University.
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
UV-VIS Spectroscopy utilizes monochromatic lights to plot the absorbance versus wavelength graphs and from this information the object of interest’s absorption and excitation wavelength can be determined. Additionally, from this information determination of the conductivity status of the material can be made as well via calculating its transition dipole moment which predicts whether the energy band is forbidden or allowed. UV-VIS Spectroscopy in BukemLab is mainly used for the determination of the absorption and emission spectra, concentration and conductive properties of the materials that are either synthesized or provided by our contributors. In addition, it is also used for the identification of contamination, usually in biological samples.

Fluorescence Microscopy
Fluorescence microscopy is a very useful tool when it comes to imaging, especially in cellular biology, since, it is able to differentiate cellular, subcellular and molecular components. This process occurs by getting the signal from a fluorescent probe such as a quantum dot, that is capable of emitting fluorescent light when excited with an emission of appropriate wavelength. In BukemLab, we utilize the fluorescence microscopy for the characterization of various human tissue samples or cells.

Confocal Microscope
Confocal microscope mainly focuses two or three laser beams onto a specimen where they excite the fluorescent molecules throughout the entire cone of illumination. The laser quantity is arranged by a pinhole. Confocal microscopy has more advantages compared to fluorescence microscopy, since it provides 3D images by generating optical sections thinner than 1 µm without physically slicing the sample and can be used to quantify the intensities of fluorescent molecules with high precision.
Confocal microscopy in BukemLab is mainly used for the determination of the modifications in tissues or cells, 3D (Z-stack) imaging of tissues and fixed cells and the characterization of materials that are either synthesized in our lab or provided by our contributors.

Fume Hood
Fume hood is a ventilated enclosure cabinet that is designed to protect the scientists in the laboratory environment by preventing inhalation of carcinogenic or hazardous chemicals, chemical fumes and vapors through capturing, containing and removing the contaminants. Fume hood in BukemLab is mainly used in the production of nanomaterials such as quantum dots (QDs). Additionally, it is used for pH neutralization, purification and any process that involves a toxic material to be used.

Photoacoustic Microscopy (PAM)
Photoacoustic microscopy (PAM) combines optical and ultrasound imaging. In this technique, a pulsed laser, typically, a nano-second laser, excites the tissue, and absorbed photons lead to pressure waves via thermoelastic expansion. Ultrasonic transducers capture the emerged pressure waves and produce the map of optical absorbers located within the tissue. Since ultrasonic waves scatter less in biological tissue as opposed to the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the penetration depth is much better. PAM is named optically resolved photoacoustic microscopy (OR-PAM) when the focused spot size on the sample determines the resolution of the imaging system. The sample is scanned with a nano-second laser, which has a suitable wavelength for the excitation of the target under investigation. A transducer is used for the detection of acoustic signals created by the target material. Finally, the maps of samples are constructed.

Scanning Acoustic Microscopy (SAM)
SAM is mainly composed of a transducer with an ultrasonic lens, a pulser/receiver, an oscilloscope and a computer with a display monitor. Transducer, mounted on an X-Y stage controlled by the computer, generates acoustic waves and also receives the reflected waves. Medical transducers use piezoelectric crystals to generate and receive ultrasound and in most of the ultrasound imaging systems, transducers having resonant frequencies in the range of 1-20 MHz are plugged. The frequency has an influence on the image quality and therefore resolution. A matching layer is necessary for acoustic pulse to be transmitted, without a loss, to the tissue or cell under investigation. More generally, water is chosen to be the coupling medium between the ultrasonic lens and the specimen. Oscilloscope is used to analyze the signals reflected from the surface of the specimen and received by the transducer. Finally, the two-dimensional maps of the samples are constructed using either sound speed mode or acoustic impedance mode of the microscope.